mardi 8 juin 2010

Persephone's Vice

I'm breaking the 2010 seal for "le fromage qui pue".

And I feel overwhelmed given the myriad of culinary adventures I've experienced for the first half of the year (including 2 trips to Italy, multiple exquisite picnics and brunches, high-class meals with Jordanian senators, and my latest favorite kitchen gadget....). The time will come for each of these subjects.

But let's start with something simple - but which resonates in my palette's memory so clearly.

In April, Erica and I met up for the weekend in Istanbul (incredible city and weekend).

To be honest, above all gastronomic pleasures and surprises we experienced,

like mussels being sold on the street 24/7:

or stall after stall of literal turkish... delights:

or all the GREEK food (i'll save the overwhelming personal cultural connection I felt in Istanbul for another time):

what I miss most --- is our morning cup of freshly squeezed juice. And not just any juice.

Pomegranate juice.

The pomegranate is such an exotic, mysterious fruit to me. And moreover, JUICE! What a luxury! And here, it was so readily available and fresh and delicious for only 2 lira (1 euro).

No better way to start your morning.

Finally, sorry to say this but, certainly one thing to NOT get excited about in Turkey is the "Turkish Tea". I was expecting that the tea would be like the tea at La Mosquee - the sweet mint tea that comes in the really cute cups (perhaps that's me being culturally insensitive?). Yes, you find that sort of tea in North Africa.

Turkish Tea however, is (disappointingly for me) really strong boring black tea.

I prefer the Turkish (very similar to Greek) coffee.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

I heard alkidel eats quinoa with barbecue sauce.